År |
P |
1978 |
A Lamp in a dark Place. |
1992 |
Kirken i Estland før 1992, nu og i fremtiden. |
1982 |
Living in the Age of the Spirit (1) "Christ our Law" |
1982 |
Living in the Age of the Spirit (1) "Justification by Falth Re-Examined: What Does the New Testament Say?" |
1982 |
Living in the Age of the Spirit (2) "Justification by Falth: In the Historical New Testament Setting" |
1982 |
Living in the Age of the Spirit (2) "Justification by Falth Re-Examined: The Reformation and the Apostles" |
1982 |
Living in the Age of the Spirit (3) "The Parable of the Two Brothers" |
1982 |
Living in the Age of the Spirit (3) "Justification by Falth Alone: Independence Day Has Come" |
2000 |
Hvad er forskellen på det helliggjorte og det velopdragne barn? |
2001 |
De kristne i Jerusalem - de kristnes historie i det Hellige Land. Traditionel ethiopisk eksegese af Salmernes Bog. |
1986 |
Teologkonference. (9) I Helligåndens kraftfeldt. |
2000 |
En kritisk vurdering af Bultmanns mytologi. |
2000 |
En analyse og vurdering af Løgstrups metafysik. |
2000 |
Gives der en historisk åbenbaring? indspil fra Luther og Kierkegaard. |
1975 |
Die Auseinandersetzung Zwichen Marxismus und Christentum. 1 |
1975 |
1. Karl Marx und seinen Umvelt. 1 |
1975 |
Die Auseinandersetzung zwichen Marxismus und Christrntum. 2 |
1975 |
1. Karl Marx und seinen Umvelt. 2 |
1975 |
Die Auseinandersetzung Zwichen Marxismus und Christentum. 3 |
1975 |
2. Karl Marx´s Anthropologie. 1 |
1975 |
Die Auseinandersetzung Zwichen Marxismus und Christentum. 4 |
1975 |
2. Karl Marx´s Anthropologie. 2 |
1975 |
Die Auseinandersetzung zwichen Marxismus und Christentum. 5 |
1975 |
3. Karl Marx´s Geschichtsbild. 1 |
1975 |
Die Auseinandersetzung zwichen Marxismus und Christentum. 6 |
1975 |
3. Karl Marx´s Geschichtsbild. 2 |
1975 |
Die Auseinandersetzung zwichen Marxismus und Christentum. 7 |
1975 |
4. Karl Marx´s Eschatologie. 1 |
1975 |
Die Auseinandersetzung zwichen Marxismus und Christentum. 8 |
1975 |
4. Karl Marx´s Eschatologie. 2 |
1976 |
Moderne Theologie in Deutschland. ( 18. - 20. Jahrhundert. ) (1) |
1976 |
Moderne Theologie in Deutschland. ( 18. - 20. Jahrhundert. ) (2) |
1976 |
Moderne Theologie in Deutschland. ( 18. - 20. Jahrhundert. ) (3) |
1976 |
Moderne Theologie in Deutschland. ( 18. - 20. Jahrhundert. ) (4) |
1976 |
Moderne Theologie in Deutschland. ( 18. - 20. Jahrhundert. ) (5) |
1976 |
Moderne Theologie in Deutschland. ( 18. - 20. Jahrhundert. ) (6) |
1976 |
Moderne Theologie in Deutschland. ( 18. - 20. Jahrhundert. ) (7) |
1976 |
Moderne Theologie in Deutschland. ( 18. - 20. Jahrhundert. ) (8) |
1976 |
Moderne Theologie in Deutschland. ( 18. - 20. Jahrhundert. ) (9) |
1976 |
Moderne Theologie in Deutschland. ( 18. - 20. Jahrhundert. ) (10) |
1976 |
Moderne Theologie in Deutschland. ( 18. - 20. Jahrhundert. ) (11) |
1978 |
Moderne tysk teologi i det 20. århundrede. (2) |
1978 |
Moderne tysk teologi i det 20. århundrede. (3) |
1978 |
Moderne tysk teologi i det 20. århundrede. (4) |
1978 |
Moderne tysk teologi i det 20. århundrede. (5) |
1978 |
Moderne tysk teologi i det 20. århundrede. (6) |
1978 |
Moderne tysk teologi i det 20. århundrede. (7) |
1978 |
Moderne tysk teologi i det 20. århundrede. (8) |
1978 |
Moderne tysk teologi i det 20. århundrede. (9) |
1978 |
Moderne tysk teologi i det 20. århundrede. (10) |
1979 |
The Theology of Evangelism. (1) |
1979 |
The Theology of Evangelism. (2) |
1979 |
The Theology of Evangelism. (3) |
1979 |
The Theology of Evangelism. (4) |
1979 |
The Theology of Evangelism. (5) |
1979 |
The Theology of Evangelism. (6) |
1979 |
The Theology of Evangelism. (7) |
1979 |
The Theology of Evangelism. (8) |
1979 |
The Theology of Evangelism. (9) |
1979 |
The Theology of Evangelism. (10) |
1980 |
The Christian Use of the Mass Medias. (1) General principles of the Mass Medias. (1) |
1980 |
The Christian Use of the Mass Medias. (2) General Principles of the Mass Medias. (2) |
1980 |
The Christian Use of the Mass Medias. (3) General Principles of the Mass Medias. (3) |
1980 |
The Christian Use of the Mass Medias. (4) Mass Medias and the Public. (2) |
1980 |
The Christian Use of the Mass Medias. (5) Mass Medias and the Public. 3 |
1980 |
The Christian Use of the Mass Medias. (5) The Christian Use af Literature. (1) |
1980 |
The Christian Use of the Mass Medias. (6) The Christian Use of Literature. (2) |
1980 |
The Christian Use of the Mass Medias. (7) The Christian Use of Literature. (3) |
1980 |
The Christian Use of Broadcsat, TV, tape, record, etc. (4) |
1982 |
Christianity and Culture. (1) The Problem. |
1982 |
Christianity and Culture. (2) What does "Culture" mean? |
1982 |
Christianity and Culture. (3) Culture and the Gospel. |
1982 |
Christianity and Culture. (4) Culture and the Church. |
1982 |
Christianity and Culture. (5) Culture and Christian Ethics. |
1988 |
Scripture alone - at the time of the reformation and today & Spots: Who can translate the Bible? Faith - Justification. Sin (john.16,9) - imul peccator et justus. World Justification. |
1988 |
Lutheran hermeneutics - with special reference to the relationship between the Old and New Testament. |
1988 |
Justification by faith alone - at the time of the reformation and today. |
1988 |
Trends and burning issuues in theology and church life in the USA today. |
1978 |
Scripture: God´s word & God´s Power. |
1988 |
Indre Missions kirke- og embedssyn. |
1988 |
Indre Missions sakrament forståelse. |